Here I will be posting a glosary of tools that could use some exposure. These won't be
sorted though but I will make sure to attribute the proper category to each of these.
Latex tools
Visual math editor: This tool helped me
passively learn
typesetting math equations in Latex. It's free and is something that I highly
recommend, it has a GUI that runs on the math environement.
Adobe's color wheel: Although bloated, I
still recommend
since it packs lots of options to choose from. You can pretty much use this not only for web design and art, but
also for fashion. It sort of eliminates the need to seek someone with experience.
Squiglink's database: This website is more than a database for
everything headphones related, it also has a tool which showcases the best equalizer setups for pretty much every
headphone available if you want to make corrections. It comes with a tutorial that I find super user-friendly, which
is a plus!
Bahn guru: GERMANY ONLY. This website sniffs the train costs for you
without gathering any data or cookies from your devices. It's simple and very minimalistic without any ads or
It sadly fetches the data for the German lines only, but it's great as a tool for planning your next trip.
Quality-of-life improvements
Open source ways to self independence: Louis Rossmann, one of my favourite people, made this great guide on how to minimize your dependence on many services that keep sapping your money while gatekeeping the how to do's of their methods. This guide is more oriented towards setting up smart media consumptions and privacy, and is written in a way that even your grandma would understand it.