Saads Perfektewelt

Chicken run

Chicken run is a movie that I religiously watch every 2 years. My cousin got me the VHS from the UK back when I was a kid.

Back when I watched it, my english was weak and my comprehension was relying on the visual feedback and the film's great soundtrack in order to try and see what's going on. As I grew up, I slowly started to understand the themes and jokes that are thrown here and there.

I wish if these movies had their own classification, because it follows a pattern where the protagonist (and their group) rebel against the bad guys by using methods and tools that the latter did not expect. Another notable example of such trait is "A bug's life".

The mechanical logic in some scenes is crooked and could be labeled as plot armor, though it does not ruin the watching pace. I liked how the main characters are all rich with their personalities and how the protagonist fits her role perfectly.

I have watched the English, German, French and Arabic versions of these movies and I think that the first two top over the rest. Alas, the movie takes place in Yorkshire, so expect to hear many lines in the Lancashire accent, which somehow soothes my ears every time I hear it.

I tagged this article with "For kids" since it is family friendly, but I am sure adults would surely enjoy it. I still somehow believe that the target audience are the teenagers if you ask me. It is a great movie that I would recommend to everyone.