Saads Perfektewelt

Programing 💻

When it comes down to self learning, videos often challenge my lack of patience, readable resources are a preference in this case. Everyone highly recommends learning by doing when it comes down to programing. In the following table, I will put together all the resources that I have used to shape my programing skills. If you work more on your algorithmic skills, learning syntax becomes nothing more of a chore. I am never in a rush and I am happy with my progression so far.

The table is scrollable.

LeetCode Stats
Name Type Description
Leetcode Exercises Intended to help with preparing for interviews, I use this to exercise as it helped me shape my algorithmic skills. I do want to emphasize that there is no official way to know from where to start but I intuitively started with the easy ones.
Python to Cpp Syntax I like how Python acts as a nice introduction to programming, when I wanted to start learning C++ for fun, I had difficulties finding a resource that helps with learning the syntax. This learning program, however, does a good job at that. You may start here but it, as of today, still lacks a chapter on Object-oriented programming. You can breeze through it in 5 days since it is aimed at people who are familiar with Python.
w3schools Syntax If you google a html tag or a css feature, you will most likely have this website indexed by google in the first page. They offer a wide variety of tutorials in various languages, though I believe they focus a lot on the syntax. It's a very good source to learn web developement or pretty much anything since they have a way to display the output of your code.
Neetcode's Roadmap' Roadmap Finding the right roadmap to train your programing skills can be a chore with the amount of available information that you can find. Each has their own "how to start programing guide". Being into mathematics passively helps with problem solving but it's not necessary a must-know. Use Neetcode's roadmap as a starting point, although it is interviews oriented, it's very structured and organized.