Saads Perfektewelt

Mathematics 📐📏

Finding resources to enrich my mathematical skills required me to pick through a wide array of choices. Grasping Mathematics requires visualization, which creates a feedback exchange between the abstraction and the human understanding. Sadly some sources lack this important element, making the learning process even harder. Here I will be posting learning material that I find nicely readable and accessible.

The table is scrollable.

Name Type Description
Probability course Combinatorics
This is my go to for anything combinatorics related, it is very accessible and very specific to this area. It comes with exercises and solutions and does a good job at giving all the basics and things that you need. However, I still believe that their exercises could use some changes, I would still recommend it overall.
Introduction to Operations Research Operational research Does more than introducing you to operational research, it has the theory, the exercises and it's easily accessible on top!