Saads Perfektewelt

Wraps with hacked meat

  • Wraps bread
  • Hacked meat
  • Chedar cheese
  • Spices
  • Onion
  • Tomatoes
  • Oil

I was just roaming online until I hit a video that claims that the recipe is quick so I gave it a go!
  1. Cook the meat in a pan for aprox. 20 minutes @8/10 temp
  2. Add some cheese to the meat in the pan and keep mixing it
  3. Cut the tomatoes and onions
  4. Stuff everything in a wrap
  5. Use the oven to do some final cooking for no more than 6 minutes

I can't name anyone who dislikes fast food. As ignorant as I may be, I always pictured the difficulty of crafting sandwishes as something that resides outside the scope of my dexterity. One day I was roaming Instagram and somehow stumbled across someone uploading a video tutoring the recipe. I was attracted by the fact that the uploader mentioned the words "It's easy and anyone can do it", so I gave it a try.
I was going to upload this recipe few months ago, but I was not ready to share it online since I had some discomfort with respect to my cooking skills. When I first saw the recipe online, the chef strictly stated to use the oven for no more than 6 minutes. I was punished multiple times for breaking this rule, heck, cooking it for yet another minute on top was not a rewarding behaviour
Not only it contains lots of protein, but its budget is super friendly, half a kilo of the meat can be used to make 4 wraps. I have seen some people directly stuffing the cheese together with everything instead of cooking it together with the meat, argumenting that the cheese melts by the time the oven does its job. I honestly can't tell if the final product is any different, as the taste of the meat and the sauce dominates the wrap, making it hard for me to notice. The only thing that I would like to touch upon, is the fact that mixing the cheese in the pan makes cleaning the latter much more time consuming.